Maria Platz geb. Abrahamson
MARIA PLATZ was born on August 5, 1891 as MARIA (Berta) ABRAHAMSON in Berlin. She was divorced and worked as a typist, probably at the Herborn company in the same building. On January 1, 1929, she converted to the Catholic faith.
Nevertheless, according to the racial ideology of the National Socialists, MARIA PLATZ was considered a Jew and was arrested along with more than 350 other people from Freiburg on October 22, 1940 and deported to Gurs. From there she was taken to Camp Récébédou and then to Camp Noé, both subcamps of Camp Gurs. After MARIA PLATZ was able to endure these tortures for almost two years, she was deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in July 1942. MARIA PLATZ was murdered in the gas chambers there at the age of 51.
Maria Platz was born Maria (Berta) Abrahamson in Berlin on August 5th in 1891. She was divorced and worked as a stenotypist, presumably at the Herborn company in the same building. On January 1st in 1929 she had converted to the Catholic faith.
Nevertheless, according to the racial ideology of the National Socialists, Maria Platz was considered a Jew and was arrested together with more than 350 Freiburg residents on October 22nd in 1940 and deported to Gurs. From there she was taken to Camp Récébédou and then to Camp Noé, both subcamps of Camp Gurs. After Maria Platz had survived these tortures for almost two years, she was deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in July 1942. Maria Platz was murdered in the gas chambers there at the age of 51.